Tag: unsupervised learning

Understanding Machine Learning Models: A Comprehensive Guide

Machine learning (ML) models have transformed various industries by enabling machines to make decisions based on data rather than relying on predefined rules. These models are the core of many applications we use daily, from recommending products to analyzing medical images. In this article, we will dive into the different types of machine learning models, […]

Understanding Machine Learning Models: Key Types and Their Applications

Machine learning (ML) models are at the heart of modern artificial intelligence (AI) systems, enabling computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. These models have revolutionized various industries, from healthcare to finance, by improving efficiency, accuracy, and automation. In this article, we’ll explore the key types of machine […]

Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning: Key Differences Explained

Dirbtinis intelektas ir mašininis mokymasis (ML) yra dvi esminės sritys, kurios pastaraisiais metais tapo itin svarbios technologijų pramonėje. Vienas iš pagrindinių mašininio mokymosi metodų yra „supervised learning“ (prižiūrimas mokymasis) ir „unsupervised learning“ (neprižiūrimas mokymasis). Šie du metodai skiriasi savo požiūriu į duomenų analizę ir sprendimų priėmimą, todėl svarbu juos suprasti, norint pasiekti geriausių rezultatų įvairiose […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning (ML) is a powerful tool that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. For beginners, understanding the different types of machine learning algorithms is a crucial step in entering the world of data science and artificial intelligence. In this guide, we will explore the basic […]

Exploring the Basics of Machine Learning for Data Science

Machine learning (ML) has become an integral part of data science, helping businesses and organizations unlock valuable insights from data. It refers to the process where algorithms learn patterns and make decisions based on data without being explicitly programmed for specific tasks. The importance of machine learning in data science cannot be overstated, as it […]

Skirtumas Tarp Prižiūrimo ir Neprižiūrimo Mašininio Mokymosi: Kada Kurį Naudoti?

Mašininis mokymasis (ML) tapo esmine šiuolaikinės technologijos dalimi, tačiau ne visi ML metodai yra vienodi. Du pagrindiniai mašininio mokymosi tipai yra prižiūrimas mokymasis ir neprižiūrimas mokymasis. Šiame straipsnyje aptarsime pagrindinius šių dviejų metodų skirtumus, jų taikymo sritis ir kada verta rinktis vieną arba kitą. Kas yra prižiūrimas mašininis mokymasis? Prižiūrimas mokymasis (angl. Supervised Learning) – […]